Thursday, September 30, 2010

Four Weeks to Go?

As of today, it's been four weeks since I've run...and I have four weeks to go. I'm now over the hill and I can see light at the end of the tunnel. That's the good news...

But, on Tuesday, my left leg hurt near the end of my pool workout so I shut it down 10 minutes early and took Wednesday completely off (I also felt as if I a cold was coming on). I am not sure if it was a muscle issue or something directly related to my stress fracture. God knows. In the shower after the workout, some little kid was peeing. The pool and shower are probably filled with germs. The locker room is constantly warm and wet, conditions similar to one of those foreign frog terrariums in PetSmart. I'm not mad at the kid for peeing (well, actually I am), I'm more angry at his dad who smiled and nodded approvingly as he "put out the fire". I was already furious at my leg for hurting and this sent me through the roof. I stormed out of the locker room and bombed home.

Hopefully the leg will feel better tonight.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Red Fox Blog Turns Two

Whoops, I missed the two year anniversary of my first post on this blog. I posted a lot on the GRC blog before decided to make things a little more personal. Below is the first race report I posed on this forum.

FLASHBACK: Philly Distance Run Race Report 2008

Injury Update

I'm still down, but I'm not dead...

It's coming up on 4 weeks since I've run a step, aside from sprinting across L Street before an oncoming car or shuffling down the metro platform in order to catch a train. Of course I've been off (sporadic running here and there) for much longer than that. It's hard to say how I am feeling since I haven't been running, but I'd like to think I am healing. Water running has put me back on a much needed schedule and seems to have strengthened my legs, core and cardio. Certainly no ill comes from water running. The orthopedist told me I can run in 2 weeks, but damn that seems too soon. I've quietly suggested I run after 8 full weeks off, but maybe the "itch" will prevail. In any case, I don't plan to do much running (easy on and off) when I start and Sarah suggests I continue water running on my off days once I come back. Assuming I am up and running again by late October sans any pain/injury, I might, just might, attempt one last assault on the year the USATF Cross Country Club Champs in Charlotte on December 11. It's much too early to think about this...but I am thinking about it anyway.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Prison

The (life)guards walk past slowly as I pant away inside the pool. They carry giant red rescue tubes but they looked to me like Kalishnokovs or tommy guns. They walk slowly and keep their eyes on me. Most of them are foreign and I can't understand their tongue. Once in awhile they'll say something in my direction and then laugh. Are they getting ready to knock me off? I might as well have been in a foreign prison rather than a's all the same. It's torture. It's go time again. My "off" time, usually 90 seconds at most, is up. I'm back on.

I "ran" 6 hours in the pool this week. As much as I bitch, this is much better than nothing. Next week I hope I don't miss a day.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Pool: Thursday & Friday

I hit the pool at 7am on the dot Thursday morning and then did my thing. I tried using a belt earlier in the week, but I didn't notice much of a difference other than being even more buoyant. Additionally, it was cutting into the skin on my back so I threw it off. I ventured back to the Y on Friday night but this time I shared the deep end with young tykes doing cannonballs and pathetic "flips". Countless fathers were teaching countless children the proper way to dive. No one seems to see me and kids coming crashing down all around. One woman asked what I was doing and when I replied she suggested I swim instead. I retorted how I don't enjoy swimming much and then she countered "how is that water running going for you? clearly making a reference to the monotony and insanity of it all. She was right, but this seems to be working. It's getting me back into the daily workout routine and taking my mind off my injury. At least I am doing SOMETHING now. My arms feel jacked, my stomach/core feels tighter and my leg muscles feel strong and sharp. Most of these workouts are really working my cardio. I just need to stick with it.

REPORT: word just came via text that arch rival Bert broke 15:00 this morning on the roads...and won. We spoke the other evening about hitting the 5 mile mark next April at Cherry Blossom in 24:55. Back to the pool I go.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Struck Out

Lightning forced the pool to close early tonight, so I missed my workout. I'm at it again tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taking Flight

The mile marker was off so my split didn't matter. I was going all in...and, I was gaining ground. Ahead of me, his arm whipped to his right. I knew he was tired. It didn't matter, he was tough and I was tired too. I put my head down and hammered ahead. Eventually I chewed the pavement, spit it out and smiled. I finally caught him. He looked surprised. But then he snapped out of it and found a new gear. We were approaching mile 9  and the race was about to begin.

These are my thoughts as I slapped through the pool on my way through the workout. I remember the races of yesterday and long for the races of tomorrow. It's time to rest. I have 60-seconds before it's go time again. It goes by fast and then I'm "on"...again. It doesn't matter, it's only time. Another hour in the stinkin pool. That's all I can do, but I'll take it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to Work?

I suppose I got to get back out there and do something. But, don't worry, I'm not running.

Over the weekend my upper leg felt stiff, like it does after I run. I try to keep off of it, but I got to live. Even a trip to the mall to buy some new clothes requires more walking than usual and causes the leg to ache a little. I told Sarah and she suggested I start water running again because my legs are use to running and the muscles are sore, or out of whack, because I haven't been running. And since I can't run, that means I head back to the stinkin pool. I had planned to start water running 2-4 weeks before I ran my first steps, but I guess I got to get out there earlier. My pool is unfortunately closed for the season, so I went for the first time to the Bethesda-Chevy Chase YMCA. I had a free day pass so I went in to see what it was all about. The water running area is about the same size as the space in my pool so I was in familiar territory. I had already eaten a full meal of roasted chicken, apple sauce and toast and I wasn't sure how this would play out. It was a tick after 8pm and there was a full moon that cast an interesting reflection in the pool below. I shrugged my shoulders and wiggled in. I had exactly an hour before the pool closed.

I received some workouts from Patrick Reaves (see below) who had been injured with a stress fracture in his foot a few years ago. Tonight I warmed up for 6:00, then did 6:30 on/1:30 off x 6, then cooled down for 6:00 = one hour. I averaged 5 laps for the first 5 "ons", but near the end I was just a tad slow. I would be lying to say I wasn't spent. It felt good for a change.

day 1: 6:30 on 90" off X 8
day 2 4'on 1' off, 3' on, 1'off, 2' on, 1' off X 6. You will see this as 4/3/2 with 1' in the future
day 3 3'/2'/1' with 1' off X 8
day 4 25x 1' on with 45 sec off
day 5 5x 8' on with 90 sec off, 6x 30 seconds on/off
day 6 6:30/90 x7, 1x 3 minutes all out
day 7 5x 1' on/off, 6x 4'on/1' off, 5x1' on/1'off
day 8 20x 90 sec on 1' off, 1x 6 min all out
day 9 4/3/2 X 6 1' revcovery btwn each
day 10 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 with 1 min recovery
day 11 4 on 1 off x 10
day 12 6/4/2 X 4 1' recovery
day 13 10' on 2 off X 5
day 14 24x 2 min on 1' off

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something Different

Everyone keeps asking me "how are you feeling?" To be honest, I feel just fine. Then again, I ain't doing nothin' that would cause me not to feel fine. Once in awhile my muscles in my upper leg hurt, but I suppose that is to be expected. So, that's really it...BUT, in an effort to keep this blog going whilst I toil away on the sidelines, I am going to share text from a book I started to write 10 years ago. The book is called "My 100 Pages" and it's simply a autobiographical account of me growing up. It's not quite 100 pages long (only 80), but then again I never really finished it. I'm not really sure why I decided to write this, but I'm glad I did. I haven't open the word doc in about half a decade, but it's kind of fun to glean. Here is a snippet about trying to recall one's earliest memories. I'll try and post some other parts over the coming weeks.

I remember when my sister was born and having to be dropped off at a friend's house before watching my dad speed away in the middle of the night with my mom in the passenger’s seat, en route to the hospital. Now my sister is about 2 years and 11 months younger than I am, which means that I was only 2 years and 11 months old when she was born and I remember that, so I guess my earliest memory was when I was 2 years and 11 months old. I know when I was real young, I had memories of what it was like in my house before my sister was born, but I cannot remember those memories now. Perhaps it is because they really weren’t monumental memories or perhaps it is because eventually memories simply disappear, as one gets older. Maybe if I think real hard I can remember something that happened when I was two and a half....Nope, can’t do it. Wait what about looking at old pictures? I remember when that picture was taken, or is it rather I remember looking at that picture sometime after it was taken? I certainly remember the camera that took the picture; it’s old and broken and sits inside an old drawer covered in dust. But do I remember the camera taking that picture that I was in, or do I just remember the camera from a picture taken later in my life, during a time that I can remember? I guess that is why cameras preserve memories; so you don’t have to. Is that why people take pictures, to preserve memories, or do they take them to capture a beautiful image? Or both? A photograph can’t make up for a memory though, there is so much more in a memory that a photo simply can’t grasp. Maybe there are certain smells that are associated with the memory, or maybe the day the picture was taken it was a frigid 7 degrees outside. You can’t tell that from looking at the picture. Sure you can gather that it was cold out because the person in the photograph is wearing a winter jacket, but the photograph can’t tell you how cold it is. I do love photographs though. Looking back at past Christmases, Easters and Halloweens, I see how I have grown. Some pictures I still get embarrassed about though, and I am not sure quite why. I know in some of the pictures I was close to tears for some reason or another, probably not wanting to get my picture taken for the sheer sake of being difficult. Others I look at and wonder; what was I thinking about? I know that for some reason I felt weird and strange when the picture was taken, but I am not sure why. And when I look at that picture I begin to feel different, almost awkward in a way, and I have to turn the page so that I don’t have to look at the picture anymore. I look into my eyes in the picture and wonder just what I was thinking about at that time, just what kind of person was I then, and why I was like that, and if I have changed? Then there are those pictures that were taken for no apparent reason. There are some pictures that make you feel happy inside, they make you feel as if you want to cry. It was peaceful then; back when I was young and didn't have to work, pay bills and wonder where my life would take me. Now I wish I were younger. I want to return to that mountain. I want to return to that island. I want to return to that boat. I want to return to that adventure that I remember so vividly in my mind – I want to return to that picture. But all that is simply impossible. Instead I have the picture, which enables me to venture to some degree to that moment in time where I felt so proud, so accomplished, and so free. In one of my parent’s albums there is this one particular picture that sticks out. It is a picture of an old beat up, uninhabited mansion in New Hampshire. The white shingles are peeling showing and there are no trespassing signs stapled here and there. Parked on its porch was a motorcycle, I think it was a Harley. It was surreal. I remember when the picture was taken too, I am not sure why we took it, but I liked it, so someone took it. We never figured out why there a nice Harley parked on that porch. The mansion has since been destroyed and the motorcycle is nowhere to be seen. The mansion was eventually replaced by a convenient mart of some sort before that, too, was destroyed. It is all quite sad in a way.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Doc: Run in 4 Weeks

UPDATE: the orthopedist reviewed my films and confirmed I have two stress fractures. The good news is that my injury is not as bad as was originally thought.

MORE: the doctor suggested I run easy, every other day, in 4 weeks. I protested whether that might be ENOUGH time off, but he seemed to think, as previous chatter indicated, my condition wasn't as severe as other cases. Sarah also confirms this. I, after reviewing other cases, believe this is also the case (ie - other people can't walk, are in constant pain etc, whereas I usually only feel pain after intense exercise).

I have not run in 2 week and will not run for another 4 weeks. Unless I need to revisit second grade, this means I will have had 6 total weeks completely off.

The following 10 weeks I "build back up" to where I left off so that by December I am in full training mode again or, as he put it, "ready to hammer" - that is the 16 week plan. By March, I will be ready to race. He told me to take it easy and use "comfort as a guide".

The big mystery is HOW did I get this injury? He suggested my legs/gait must be fine and thought it was simply a matter of training too much, not a muscle imbalance, which is what Sarah thinks. I replied that I hadn't done any major bumps in training and that my overall progression is actually quite conservative. Additionally, I haven't run MORE on roads or MORE on trails or MORE hills etc. Perhaps this is simply "paying a toll" for being a runner? This doc was one of those behind the recent stretching study, the headline of which indicated that runners will eventually get injured whether they stretch or not. It's a brutal sport and some get hurt more often than others and this is more and more frequent as we age.

In the meantime, I can swim, bike or water run...the latter I'll look into pursuing (though my pool is now closed for the season)

I should be running by October 18th when the cool air will begin to blow through the trees.

Monday, September 13, 2010

UPDATE: Orthopedist Appt on Tuesday

Tomorrow, I should have some more definitive answers from a bone doctor who happens to specialize in runners. What does my MRI mean? Was the original lab report accurate? How long do I need to take off? Can I cross train? Are these REALLY, in fact, stress fractures? Over the past week, I've spoken with a number of people who have had this same injury and I've learned a fair amount.

MORE: recent chatter indicates my injury might be LESS severe than originally thought. I hope so.

A major update on my injury will be published tomorrow...the counteract begins...


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

FIRST REPORT: Out for 12-16 Weeks

The specialist will know more, but based on others who have had this same issue, the rest is apparently 3+ months...


MRI Report in Detail & Analysis

MRI CONCLUSION: "bilateral right greater than left stress fractures of the symphysis pubis both at the junction with the acetabulum and adjacent to the symphysis pubis explaining the patient's symptoms."

What does this mean? Essentially I have TWO stress fractures in my crotch (insert 5th grade jokes and laughter here). Either this is a result of increasing my running/mileage over the last few years or the result of a wild night with a 300lb vixen. Unless I got really drunk one night, my gut tells me it is the former as this is a repetitive stress injury. The right is more sever than the left, which makes sense since I have ONLY been feeling the right side for the most part (in fact, I really wasn't feeling the left until recently). Due to the stress fracture here, my SI joint is super tight/sore and when I run hard, inflammation occurs throughout the upper thigh/hip area.

How could I have prevented this? I am not sure I could have. USATF just released a study essentially claiming that if you run as much as we do, you'll have to pay the fiddler regardless whether or not you stretch. Sarah would probably argue I should have been stretching certain areas more than others - prescribed stretching. She adds that I "fall down when it comes to stretching, core strength and calcium intake". I agree. Perhaps if I had been doing the stretches Sarah gave me in July for the past 18 months I'd be fine and dandy now? Maybe, maybe not. I accept the fact that injuries are a byproduct of hard work. I had a killer spring (PR'd in every distance from 3k to 10 miles just before turning 30) and the only way I got there was to work harder and run further than I ever had before, but I feel as if I did it smartly (no "stupid" increases or stupid risks). When I look back someday, a long time from today, it will all be worth it. Then again, I ain't done yet...

These begin the darkest days of my running career, but, as you indicate in your kind comments, it's just a hiatus in which I'll return (hopefully) even stronger. I will need to occupy my time and mind with something else in lieu of training.

I've stated this before here, and I'll echo it again now, but when you're in shape, give it your all. You never know what's around the corner and whether you'll be in that type of shape again. I am so glad I ran the gauntlet this past spring.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


REPORT: MRI results indicate the Red Fox has two (2) stress fractures.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Up In Them There Woods

Something caught my eye. It was shiny and foreign. I tilted my head and winced. It must be a piece of metal, but why was it on the side of that hill? I was in the middle of the woods. Little did I know I'd soon find out.

I began the day parking my car in a dusty parking spot at the end of an old dusty road. I was somewhere close to the Pennsylvania border. I could smell it. Ye Olde signs pointed north, arrowing towards the Mason Dixon Line. I checked my map and looked around. There was no sign that mentioned this was parking lot 2A, but it must be. I heaved by giant pack upon my back, flipped open my compass and turned my head south. I took a healthy pull from by flask of bourbon and then I marched. South. The cool, late summer air made me feel alive. I soon realized I was, in fact, on the right trail. Landmarks that appeared in my map/book soon jumped out at me. This was a good thing since the park rangers at the station had no idea where I was aiming to go. I journeyed alongside a dry creek bed, which, according to the book, was supposed to be a raging stream...well, at least in the spring. In September, the creek was bone dry. I tapped one of my two Nalgene bottles with my fingernail and grinned. Hopefully there'll be water down yonder, I thought.

It was about an hour before I threw off my pack. I had found a campsite, but I was still a few miles from my destination. I inched down to the creek bed and lifted a painted turtle from a large puddle. He squirmed between my thumb and fingers. "See you tomorrow", I said to no one in particular. I continued to hike along the creek which wandered under Highway 68 in Allegheny County, somewhere in Western Maryland. The sound of bigrigs and motorcycles soon grew faint and I found myself at yet another (dry) stream crossing (though there was a sufficient swinging bridge in place). I sniffed around and looked for a good place to camp if my original destination turned out to lack any water. At least here there were a few puddles. Just out of view from the trail I stumbled on a great site that overlooked the creek bed. There was a large fire ring and a place to pitch a tent, and just below the bluff stood a semi-clean puddle filled with trout minnows. I took note of all my surroundings then double timed it back to the trail. I then encountered the first person I'd seen since starting the hike. He told me the creek up ahead was as dry as baby powder. I continued another half mile just in case and, it was then, I noticed that strange object up on the hill. I blinked and winced then continued on my way, wondering all along what it was. Shortly thereafter I about faced and decided, due to the Sahara-like condition of my water source, to head back to that spot I found up river. Again, my eyes caught that white object in the woods. What was that? Before my brain had a chance to answer, my eyes caught a most bizarre site - a car. There was a car up on that hill! I was in the middle of nowhere, so how did a car get up there? A crash?! I quickly threw down my pack and began clawing my way up the hill. I was high on adrenaline and looked up every few seconds or so. Was there someone in the car? Was there a body? did someone need help? I could not see. I could only see a red, brown dusty color sticking out amongst the green/brown forest. Then I saw rust. The car was old. There would be no body and this was no longer an emergency. I relaxed somewhat but continued to fox paw my way up the steep embankment. There was glass everywhere. Why was there so much glass? The entire floor of the hill gave out every few steps and I gripped small trees and palmed the earth in order to make my way up that God forsaken hill. Soon I found myself in what seemed to be a trash pit of sorts. Rusty cans of Scahaefer and half broken beer bottles dating back decades peppered the landscape. I was concerned about shoving my fist into a piece of glass and tumbling down the hill. I clawed the dirt towards a clearing. It was a dusty old road. I quickly surmised that the car had flown off (or had been pushed off) the old dirt road above me. Generations of local teen must have come out to "dead man's turn" and thrown old cans and bottles down towards the wreck. Why? That's what kids do I suppose.

Back at my place of choosing, I whipped up a campsite and soon had a small fire going. I collected some water from my puddle and made a delicious freeze dry dinner of beef burgonya and noodles. I sipped bourbon out of my leather bound flask, got high on a Nicaraguan cigar and watched day turn into night. The cool air came in and wicked away my sweat. I fell asleep alone in the deep dark woods listening to the howl of a particularly lonesome coyote and the hoot of a barred owl.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Champagne & Oysters

Ran 7 with No. Bethesda Distance Project this morning and the leg is still mangled.

MRI tomorrow...


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Set Back

Just when you think things can't get worse...

During my weekly stretching session, Sarah suggested I try a few new stretches. She keeps adding/taking away stretches when she feels it is appropriate to do so. In a sense there is a little bit of trial and error here as we try to work through this. I understand this. Once such stretch (on back with one leg straight and the other leg bent at knee with foot pointing out and knee lying next to straight knee while stretched leg remains flat - a shitty job illustrating that, but that's what you get) seemed to help me along alright, but after my morning run with Karl on Monday (8 miles) I limped about for most of the day. I wasn't totally surprised by this, but I was when the leg pain never relented. I tried the new stretch again, thinking it might have helped, but instead I walked around on Tuesday with more of the same, plus pain in my right foot/ankle. Sarah told me to stop doing that particular stretch which, of course, I did. I woke up on Wednesday STILL feeling sore and iced/took Aleve then made a call to my doctor to get a referral for an MRI/XRay that tests for:
- stress fracture
- bone spurs
- arthritis
- labral tear
- sports hernia