It might have started a couple weeks ago when I jammed my left foot and tumbled onto the ground while running trails in Cabin John, or perhaps it came later when I decided to give running with Super Feet a try. Regardless, the top of my left foot has been aching for about a week. I took last Monday and Tuesday off as a result and the pain went away. The Turkey Trot went fine as did the rest of my runs during the rest of the week, but now I seem to be in some serious pain…
On Sunday I ran “long” with Joe Navas at Nickerson State Park on Cape Cod. Joe is an interesting cat to talk with and he’s a very tough little racer. Relatively new to running, Joe, 41, started only about 10 years ago. Now he boasts bests of 4:33 all the way to 2:33 – all run as a master! It’s really quite impressive. I intended to run further than 12 miles, but a string of good, upbeat running days left my legs tired and I didn’t want to overdue it. My foot problem flared up later that day and I decided to take Monday off.
On Tuesday I ran 10 with the NBDP and on Wednesday I ran a solo 8 in the morning while exploring some new trails that meander off the oft run Fox and Deer Trail. About 35 minutes into the run, my foot really began to hurt and I bee lined it home. I brought an ice pack to work and have been chilling the foot all day. Needless to say, I am going to rest up because I don’t want this to get any worse.
Below is a photo of my foot. The “X” naturally marks the spot that hurts the most. Any ideas?