It might have started a couple weeks ago when I jammed my left foot and tumbled onto the ground while running trails in Cabin John, or perhaps it came later when I decided to give running with Super Feet a try. Regardless, the top of my left foot has been aching for about a week. I took last Monday and Tuesday off as a result and the pain went away. The Turkey Trot went fine as did the rest of my runs during the rest of the week, but now I seem to be in some serious pain…
On Sunday I ran “long” with Joe Navas at Nickerson State Park on Cape Cod. Joe is an interesting cat to talk with and he’s a very tough little racer. Relatively new to running, Joe, 41, started only about 10 years ago. Now he boasts bests of 4:33 all the way to 2:33 – all run as a master! It’s really quite impressive. I intended to run further than 12 miles, but a string of good, upbeat running days left my legs tired and I didn’t want to overdue it. My foot problem flared up later that day and I decided to take Monday off.
On Tuesday I ran 10 with the NBDP and on Wednesday I ran a solo 8 in the morning while exploring some new trails that meander off the oft run Fox and Deer Trail. About 35 minutes into the run, my foot really began to hurt and I bee lined it home. I brought an ice pack to work and have been chilling the foot all day. Needless to say, I am going to rest up because I don’t want this to get any worse.
Below is a photo of my foot. The “X” naturally marks the spot that hurts the most. Any ideas?
Anterior tibialis tendonitis? That tendon crosses over the top of your ankle to tie in right there on the inside of the foot. When I had a similar pain, I also had a trigger point in the anterior tibialis muscle (which is on the outside of the shin). Releasing that trigger point helped.
Another possibility might be something with the flexor hallucis or posterior tibial tendon, but I'm guessing anterior tibial.
Other possibility might be a stress reaction in that bone (I think it's the cuneiform).
[no -- I have absolutely no medical or PT training, and am pretty much worthless as an expert -- I just geek out about this stuff]
amputation? Thanks for telling us about Joe. Since I'm getting old...and haven't ran for 5 years....stories like that give me hope.
Thanks Cris...and Terry.
But, aren't you a former 2:17 guy?
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