Soon everything will be green, but for a few more weeks the grasses and shrubbery around the towpath will remain a pathetic winter-like brown. Spring can't come soon enough. Right now, as in every March, we are being teased with a few warm days followed by cool days.
After running sans shirt on Friday evening, I was a bit perturbed to have to layer up some during the weekend. On Saturday, I met Wiggy and Jordan at the Store for a simple out-and-back on the Towpath. Again, I felt great, though I only ran 50 minutes since I had run 9 miles the day before and planned to run another 10 or so on Sunday. So, Saturday was intended to be a recovery of sorts. After the run, I gorged on Mimi's egg sandwiches. I've arranged with the proprietor that I get one and a half egg sandwiches as opposed to one (which leaves me starving) or two (which leaves me bloated or which leaves me giving the extra half to someone else).
On Sunday, I journeyed to Riley's Lock for a point-to-point run back to Old Angler's Inn. Most of the team was running 18 (starting 8 miles north at Edward's Ferry), but Wiggy and Jordan were interested in running 10 (like me). So, we waited for the 8 or 9-man pack to come into view along the towpath and then we joined ranks and began our part of the journey. The pace seemed quick from the get go and we were soon running 6:30s. My leg was a little sore but the quicker pace didn't seem to have any effect. Starting and stopping did, however. I pushed one mile (5:40) to see how the leg felt under pressure. It did just fine. By the end of the run, my leg was a tad sore, but I've been pushing it some during the past few days. it's a good sore. And, I'm happy.
I did get in 53 miles this week while running every day. Some might argue this is too much, too soon...and they might be right. Some advising me through this are more "hawkish" and others more "dovish". All I can do is take this advice and do what I think is best.
I see the chiro on Tuesday.
It was great seeing ya out there. Keep it rolling.
Thanks mate. It's been too long...
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