I left work a tad early and was able to run from the Fox Den at 6:30...well before the sun went down. I met Wiggy, Luffy, this guy Jordan (a New Balance rep who distributes gear and wheel & deals in our Stores) and his girlfriend just outside Grosvenor for simple run around Rock Creek. Nothing much to report other than the fact my leg doesn't feel as hot as it did at the end of last week. I'm not in any pain and things aren't dire, it's just that the leg doesn't feel as great as it did on Thursday and Friday (which was about a 9 out of 10 in terms of how good I was feeling). I suspect this will happen, but I'm also not in any major rush to push much more above 60 mpw right now. A trip to the chiro on Thursday should help with this.
I am starting to feel fit again and I often find myself holding myself back some on runs. The weather is nice and my injury pain is slowly dissipating. With this in mind, I have my eyes set on a fall season and if things work out the way I think they will, I'll have a summer pre-season as well.
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