On Friday I did nothing. I did not run and decided, as well, to take the day off from work since I've been working a lot of weekends. I see the chiro's point some, but I will eventually need to get back on the 7-day-a-week train. For now, I'll follow orders.
I met the team at the Store on Saturday for a run on the Cherry Blossom course. The guys wanted to run tempo pace for four miles so we beat feet down Rock Creek Parkway until we found ourselves on Hains Point. I decided to push two miles and drift back behind the backs of Karl and special guest Bert. I wasn't timing but, based on Bert's GPS, I likely ran 10:30 for two miles. I was fairly worked (cardio wise), but it was great to have that metal taste in my lungs again. I cooled down back to the Store for a total of 10 miles. My adductors were a little sore, but they were NOT any more sore after running fast. So, I suppose this is a good sign. The Cherry Blossom were out and, despite the colder weather, it made me think of spring. Chasing Bert down Hains Point in a tunnel of white-pink blossoms also reminded me of better days.
On Sunday, I ran 11 with the group from The Line - my longest run for awhile. Same amount of pain as yesterday. Tomorrow I'll take off.
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