I have been in Texas for work travel for the past 5 days…and will be here for another 5 days as well. I live in room 206 of a Holiday Inn Express hotel room in the city of Elgin. Days are long and so are the nights. There is a ton of work to do and it always take a few days to figure out the most effective method in getting it all done…as quickly as possible.
Despite the intense schedule, I have been determined to see my running through. I crawl out of bed in the early pre-dawn hours, pound some coffee, do a few more items of work and then push off into the moonlit dirt roads of eastern central west Texas. Everyone here seems to have lots of chickens and dogs. There is a continuous chorus of roosters cocka-doodle-dooing coupled with the menacing barks of roaming packs of dogs. I pick the pace up ever so slightly as Fido comes up along my side.
I’ve been feeling good, despite my workload, and all is good.
More later...
The lock to room 206 is probably going to get shot out with a captive bolt device and the intruder will ask you to "call it, friendo."
Towpath - at times I hoped this might happen...
These be loooong days.
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