Thursday, April 30, 2009

At the Track

I ran a truncated workout last night: 1600 - 4:56 (400), 1200 - 3:41 (300), 800 - 2:23. My legs felt fine but my stomach was tender from something I ate earlier in the day and I've felt a little off since this Saturday. Maybe it is the up-and-down weather...or maybe it is swine flu? Wait, that's not funny.

I need to start thinking about Broad Street. This is my last hooray, unless I race the UMD 5k or Germantown 5 miler in the coming weeks.

Terribly boring post today...


RM said...

What is this UMD 5k you speak of? The only even coming up that I'm aware of is an alumni mile on Thursday next...

KLIM said...

There is a 5k at the same meet as the mile.

AND, I found out it might be an alumni ONLY event.

RM said...

A 5k too?? That's weird. Unless they have a bunch of kids that graduated since 2005 or so, everyone I know that ran either a) doesn't run anymore or b) isn't planning on going.

A mile makes sense, a 5k seems cruel!