Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Cold that Won't Quit

My cold keeps nagging me. This morning I hurled out all sorts of congestion before drinking some joe and having a late breakfast.

I worked from home and ran with PMurphy at lunch in Alexandria along parts of the Mount Vernon Trail (picture). The wind was blowing 30mph making it very uncomfortable. I hate running in the wind. It's loud and obnoxious. Moreover, it was doing a number on my sore throat. I suppose I am not doing enough to rest my cold, especially considering last night's workout...but I am also trying to keep the training going. I have nothing hard scheduled for the next week so I hope I can get through the cold without any more relapses. While running an easy 10, PMurphy advised me to change my race strategy coming into GRC TRACK MEET in two weeks...

That's right, you heard me. The GRC TRACK MEET will likely only feature a 5K, but I've decided instead of racing the slower RUN AWARE 5K to hop on the track with some pacers and rabbits and go for a personal best. The plan will be to hit 1.5 miles in 7:25. Any takers?

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