Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Fall Fox

The weather has been cool and, with time off between jobs, I find myself exploring trails new and old.

Last week I ran the Cabin John Trail from Tuckerman up to Seven Locks (about 5.5 miles) and back. I attempted to run the trail many years ago, but it wasn't well maintained. Today, things are different; the trail was quite clear and running a greenway across major thoroughfares is a pretty cool idea. There are parts of the trail where you can't hear any road noise, which is a welcomed site (or sound) in MoCo. I've yet to run the section of trail in/around Cabin John, but I hear it's not as great.

Yesterday I attempted to run the Greenway Trail, which meanders alongside the Great Seneca Creek in upper MoCo. I've run it before, but recently good Samaritans have done a lot of great work on it so I was interested in running it again. Unfortunately I failed at my attempt to locate the the trail once I got to Berryville Road. I paced back and forth along the road sniffing for signs of a trail blaze...all to no avail. I ran up and down faux fox paths purring and prowling, but it was not to be. A couple of deer hunters clad in fancy camo weren't even able to give me any pointers. In retrospect, I think I found the trail, but at the time I didn't beileve that trail was the trail because it was so overgrown. Oh well. I shrugged and ran some roads before making my way back to the towpath via Violettes Lock. 

I got in some more trails later in the day while running with Scott.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Greenway is indeed suffering from overgrowth at the moment... including the sections around Seneca Creek State Park and toward 355.