I make mistakes every day, but the one I made on Sunday was quite unfortunate.
As my blog has indicated, my running has been going fairly well, but I am constantly testing myself on runs, collecting data, and distributing that info to Sara, Coach Jerry and the chiro. I need to test myself to see whether I am getting better or whether I am getting worse...or simply maintaining course. I am up to hour long runs (without real incident) so I wanted to see how something fast felt...
The characters in the documentary/reality show I am working on had to perform a certain workout that entailed (among other things) running a 1/4+ mile while donning a 40lb weight vest and carrying a 5lb bench press weight. The crew was asked to do this short run in an attempt to bring both sides of the camera together. I wasn't there at the time, but when everyone found out that I was a runner, I was asked (read "pressured") to beat feat to a ranch in the middle of nowhere and get on the starting line. I was happy to do this, as it helped bond with the cast and I WANTED to try something fast, albeit nothing too fast, nor too long. I took off like a bat out of hell before quickly finding a second gear. Boy, it had been far too long since I've run fast. It was awkward carrying an additional 45 pounds and my throat was hoarse from breathing so hard in the dry dusty air. Ninety seconds later I found myself back where I started. All was fine until I crept back into my SUV and drove back to my hotel. When I got back out and started to walk around some, my upper right leg felt tweaked. I took the next day off, but flying cross country isn't the best remedy for something like this. On Wednesday morning, I wore tights (for the first time in weeks) and headed out for a run on the Rock Creek Trail...but I quickly determined that the pain wasn't going to be simply "shook out" so I stopped down and called it a day after 23 minutes. Damn. Dejected and angry at myself for delaying my return to the sport I love so much, I decided to take the next day off and will run again when I don't feel any pain. I am HOPING (and honestly think) this is simply a bump in the road and not any major setback. Either way, I should have learned a valuable lesson in all of this, but I am not quite sure what that is...
I'll be honest here, Fox, that's one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. The quickest way to hurt yourself, aside from a major collision, is to put ridiculous stress on your body, like running with an additional 40 pounds.
First the mechanical bull, now some weight vest run? WTF are you thinking?
It is easy to hit a man when he is down.
I for one, think this was a good idea. Except for the weight part. And the running part. And the texas part. Otherwise, no Monday morning quarterbacking on this one.
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