Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Fresh Attack

I've had time to rest, now I need to get back out of the trench and move forward.

It's time to attack again.

Pike's Peek 10K is Sunday and it's a distance I have not raced for a year. Two years ago, my 10K PR (31:29) was my best, now my 10K PR (31:22) is amongst my weakest. I should be able to take a big chunk off that time, but nothing is written. Prize money for the top 10 always opens the doors to foreigners and post-collegians from around the region.

I got in 80 last week. I threw in a good workout and a mile race for kicks. My "long" run (13) on Sunday was very slow and I took Monday off. Tuesday was an easy 8 with Karl and tonight I'll run some 800s a tad quicker than 10K pace. I am struggling a bit determining how much I should be tapering right now. I am going all in for this 10k but would still like to go all in for Broad Street a week later. I am hoping to coast the next two weeks and hit the starting line in Philly fresh, but not on fumes. In conclusion, I am thinking of hitting 60 this week and 50 next week. Workouts from here on out are strictly maintenance/tune-up.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Classic Red Fox post, even a "Lawrence of Arabia" reference in there!