Thursday, December 3, 2009


I feel that the morning run after the workout completes the workout. Running easy on tired legs seems to strengthen the body and harden it for future punishment. My shin this morning felt fine and my legs felt strong, albeit tired. I met Karl, who thankfully seemed equally as tired, at the usual spot at the usual time for the usual run. When we're both too tired to think we end up running north along Rock Creek Park until we hit Randolph Road. Once we get there, we shrug our shoulders, turn and stumble back home. Today was no different. The run sort of takes care of itself.

I am slowly creeping the miles up and have hit 75 in the past 7 days. On Saturday I'll hit another workout and will probably do something light next week before USATFXC Natls. Unlike workouts on the track, I am excited for Saturday's tussle on the grass. The track has always scared me whereas the grass and ground welcome by legs and nerves.

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