When you’re a competitive runner in training you are constantly in a process of ascending. It’s a simple idea, but the more I thought about it, the more profound it became to me. It’s not something that most human beings would give a moment of consideration to, that it is actually possible to be living for years in a state of constant betterment. To consider that you are better today than you were yesterday or a year ago, and that you will be better still tomorrow or next week or at tournament time your senior year. That if you’re doing it right you are an organism constantly evolving toward some agreed-upon approximation of excellence. Wouldn’t that at least be one definition of a spiritual state?
- John L. Parker “Again to Carthage”
I recently read this and before doing so, I really could never put my finger on why I love to run. It isn’t running so much or even racing, but it’s the upwards cycle of success (which combines the leisurely run, the intense track workout and the unworldly state of mind during a race) that feels so good. It is THIS that is the greatest drug of all.
AND, because of this, I’ve decided to add a mini season this summer before continuing the fall training. That season is detailed below:
7/10 – MCRRC Mile
7/18 – Rockville Twilight 8k
7/25 – Crystal City 5k
1 Week Off - Training
8/9 – Falmouth Road Race (7)
3 Weeks Off – Training
I’ve always been anti-racing in the summer because I feel it is simply pointless to race in the hot weather...however I miss it. I miss competing. So, these races are more workouts than they are races. I will try to focus less on time and more on competing against the man next to me.
I’ve been averaging 77 mpw for the past 5 weeks and that average will only go up in the coming months. I seem to be responding to the uptick well and I hope to ramp it up even further after the “summer season” winds down.
I ran 11 today with Bain. It was easy pudding.
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