I ran 18 at Greenbelt on Saturday morning and actually felt good doing it. It might have been my best long run in a long while. My legs were a bit heavy after the Thursday "workout" but I felt super strong. Dirk, Reaves, Dylan and Murphy...and even Bain came along for the festivities.
Later in the day I went to my friend's bachelor party. Adam was an old college teammate. He was a pretty good runner and since graduating has become an even better biker. Activities included a 1+ mile bike ride up a huge hill in Patapsco State Park followed by a 400m dash followed by libations. The hill, rumored to be the toughest in all of eastern Maryland, was a killer and my thighs ached like hell. I almost wept. I hadn't ridden a bike since Duke Tails was on TV, but I didn't do too bad. I was actually the first "non-biker" to get up the mountain and even beat a few regular cyclists. After the hill, none of wanted to head to the track for a 400m. In fact, most of us could hardly shuffle jog. Eventually our legs felt better and we made our way to the starting line. "Go" was given and I found myself in 7th place coming off the first turn. I pushed the backstretch and got into 5th. I heard "27" at the 200m then began to walk people down. With 100m to go, I let it all out and began to close the real estate between me and a couple others, but I had moved too late. I ended up running a 54. I was pleasantly surprised, especially considering the beast hill I had just biked up as well as the 18 miles I had on my legs. I am excited to try my hand at this mile next month.
I ran 11 the next morning with Reaves, Murphy and Max. In the beginning, my legs felt like hamburger, but eventually they warmed up. The pace was moderate except for the hills.
80 for the week.
Curiousity: which hill in Patapsco was it, one that would be easily described?
54 is pretty freaking sweet dude. I can't believe you still have those kind of wheels!
If your back is to the Illchester tunnel and your staring at the old paper mill/haunted house, look LEFT and it's the road that goes straight up (not College St).
I had the Duck Tales theme song stuck in my head during my entire run this morning. Thanks for that.
That picture is ridiculous. Find a cockatiel posing like that and I'll give you $20. Seriously.
Interesting. I don't think I know where that is as I'm not sure I know which is the Illchester Tunnel. I'll have to explore.
Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history DUCKTALES oooh oooh. Scrooge McDuck. Launchpad McQuack. Darkwing Duck was another good one.
alright man thats not google image anymore, i just dont know where u find them. BTW your friend in the picture is pretty much dead
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