Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easy, Fast Repeats

I felt downright tired on Monday. I was dragging all day. It was as if I needed a giant cup of strong, dark espresso, but in reality, only time could wake me up. By afternoon the cloud of exhaustion had passed and I was able to concentrate on all things associated with daily life with much more clarity. That evening I ran a very easy 8 miles with Sam, Ryan and Karl. My legs were sore, but not overly so, and all and all I felt good and strong.

I ran another easy ten the next morning with Sam & Karl and my legs continued to feel just fine. I wasn’t sure if a workout would be in the cards for me the next day so I decided to play everything by ear.

When Wednesday dawned, I nixed my typical shake out and went to the track that afternoon fresh. My plan was to run 3 x mile “easy”: 5:15 down to 5:10. On the heels of a ten mile race, this was meant to be less of a workout and more like weekly maintenance. Wertz and some others joined me on a quest to hit 5:15. The bad news is that we missed our mark (5:13) but the good news was that that pace felt ridiculously easy. We cut down the next two (5:09 and 5:00) and both felt equally slow. It’s been awhile since 5:00 felt slow. This was the good news.

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