Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Return of the Cold Dark Night

I met Karl outside my building just as if it were olden times. And by olden times, I mean last winter. The air felt crisp and I donned tights for the first time this season. Together we ran the neighborhoods of North Bethesda all while talking about nothing in particular nor interesting. We both seem to be on the up and up and remarked at the end of the run how the run had gone well. Karl just ran 15:35 but has been trying to shake some sort of congestive cold thing. He seems to be persevering. I got in 6.

On Tuesday morning, about a half day later, I met Karl again, as well as Luffy and Predator, for a run down the RCT. A light rain fell and we just missed a major crash in which an SUV type careened off Connecticut Ave and landed close to the trail. We hooked into the Walter Reed annex paths and then zipped back home. I got in an hour.

This was the second longest run I've done since coming back. I keep pressing ahead...then pulling back. I'm going to keep going at it this way; I'm going to keep testing without overstepping my bounds. The war is being won...

I have withdrawn from USATF XC Club Nationals. In the back of my mind, I knew it was too soon to run this race. I'm clearly not in shape and, more importantly, I'd rather continue in the direction I've been heading. Needless to say, I'll be going to Charlotte nonetheless to cheer and support (read retrieve sweaty warm-ups from starting line).

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