The North Bethesda Distance Project met again on Friday. We ran the last, and then first, mile of the Cardinal 5k course for the amusement of the Chicken Tender Runner who is racing this semi-fast race on the morrow. I ran for 41 minutes; my longest run yet. I seem to be progressing as well as the last blog post indicates. I still have tweaks, but I believe the injury is in the "mop up" phase now. Red Fox kits have surrounded the injury and have driven it to the furthest reaches of the legs. I still expect the occasional attack, but I'm moving forward accordingly.
Okay, imaginary land aside, North Bethesda seems to be an area growing in both scope and size. I few years ago, NB encompassed the condo buildings of Grosvenor, but now Rockvillian pauper peoples like Karl, Jordan and even Wiggy claim they too live in my posh, non-Rockville neighborhood. This is madness. As I spy down from my balcony through my monocle and glance north at the serfs of Rockville, I laugh at their claims, before tossing back another snifter of sherry. People prefer to have "Bethesda" in their name as a way to increase the value of their real estate, or in the case of the aforementioned clowns its a way "to be cool". Mid-post, I've decided to Google Map "North Bethesda" and it appears as if NB actually DOES include the areas I previously noted as being Rockville. In fact, NB hovers as far north as Randolph Road. Perhaps, I've been living in Bethesda this entire time?
Lately North Bethesda has made the headlines for the numerous train fatalities that have occurred in the more industrial areas up near White Flint. There have been at least 3 this year - the last "grisly discovery" was found "on and near" the tracks by a jogger.
Those serfs you mention do not live in the City of Rockville, which begins at the Twinbrook Metro. They live in Whiteflint.
Anonymous Rockville Official
I am definitely a North Bethesda Resident!
One of these days, those serfs are gonna have an uprising against the Earl of Foxingham.
Oh geez, now there is a town of Whiteflint too??
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