A steady rain fell. By now there was no one left in the pool. The guards circled around and eyed me. Their eyes seemed to ask when I would be done. I kicked and thrashed about. The seconds ticked away and I longed to be under the hot shower.
I slacked a bit this week with the pool running, but each workout I did was pretty damn good. So good that I've been cutting down the rest between reps. I'm sticking to an hour a day, so on some sessions I nix a rep so that I am not wasting away for 70+ minutes in the pool. This is 100% laziness.
I saw some of the guys on Wednesday at the track workout. I hadn't been to a team workout/run for quite some time. I was stopping by to hand some singlets out before they departed for Chicago. I grew quite sad realizing I wasn't going to be there with them. I had to get out of there.
I saw Sarah on Sunday and she seemed to think my legs were in better shape than they've been in...well, since I've started seeing her.
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