Monday, August 1, 2011


Attempts to run this week were futile. I am still in pain while I run and that pain is starting to affect HOW I run. Sarah checked me out and seems to think I have a pelvic imbalance. She's given me some stretches, but none of these things are silver bullets that will correct my least not right away.

I am at a loss as to what to do. Perhaps I go back to the Godforsaken pool. Damn, I hate the f&$#ing pool...


Michelle M said...

Sorry to hear this Jake.

I've also been logging miles in the pool as of late. This may be against your particular running religion, but I've been putting my shuffle under a swim cap to help ease the boredom. If you are into NPR podcasts, they make time seem to slow a little less.

Steve J. said...

Is this whole flair up of the old injury from that 1 mile race? If so that's a bummer as you seemed to be getting some quality training in. Kind of amazing that such a short race could cause this pain. Do you think you need to go back to the chiro or see a doctor again or will the pool and stretching do it. Hopefully the situation improves for you soon.

KLIM said...

Steve J - yes the mile but also the run I did the next morning and the run I did the morning after that = too much. I've been to the chiro. Will opt for the pool, more rest and some specific strength/stretching.

Joe Wiggy said...

I will be your Pool wingman to the end... even though you have never succeeded as a competent WINGMAN at UJ's