Wednesday, March 10, 2010

No Workout Plan

I ran an easy 5 this morning and later, when evening came, went to the workout with no real plan. I suppose this is where having a coach might help...but tonight was a peculiar circumstance. It was a workout smack dab in the middle of two races. On one hand, I am training through these races, but on the other hand I am still trying to race them well. If I can steal 5-10 seconds for a 5k by chillin on the Wednesday workout, I'll do it. I didn't want to run anything fast, so I decided to jump in with the group and run some 2ks (at shy of 10 mile pace). I only timed/noted the mile splits, but kept my pace up for 5 laps; 5:06, 5:00, 4:50. I tacked on a couple of 200s to gte the legs moving. I ran on feel and tried to imagine myself continuing for 9 more miles. I ended the workout feeling fine and if I hadn't done anything, so I suppose this is good, though I am not 100% sure. 11 for the night, 16 for the day. 11 guys at the track tonight...pretty good. Next Wednesday, I'll get in a real workout.

1 comment:

Chris Vames Sloane said...

I think that's a perfect workout you did today Jake. You didn't dig into the red zone so you will be ready to race again this weekend. It's all about balancing the fine line and I believe running by feel is really good with maintaining balance.-so good job!