Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Strassburg Sock

I slept with a Strassburg Sock once again last night. No, the Strassburg Sock isn’t a French Whore nor a contraceptive device or some fashion statement you wear when visiting Bavarian Beer Halls…

NO, the Strassburg Sock is a instrument used to combat plantar fascia, but is also helps to prevent shin/Achilles pain as well. Last night I loosened the sock and it was much easier to wear. It seems to be helping a bit, so I’ll continue to wear it every other night or until this thing gets kicked. I’ve had no pain whatsoever since last Tuesday.

This morning I met CC for a run through the rain. I layered up a bit more than usual donning my yellow windbreaker. I sweat profusely throughout the run. We headed down to the Cabin John Trails and made a brazen crossing of the swollen Cabin John Creek. Luckily a felled tree had created a dam and we used that make our crossing. We hammered a 10-minute hill before heading home. I got in 9.

Mileage might be a little bit down this week per the race on Saturday, but I won’t be tapering. Tomorrow I am heading back to Cell Phone Field to run some 200m strides and Friday will be an easy day – 5 miles.

My contact on the ground in Lexington reports lots of rain. This morning in a dispatch he noted how “the ground is slop”. Temperatures are expected to dip into the teens and then rise to mid 30s on race day.

I pray for mud.


Andy said...

And mud you shall receive! Good luck sir, although you don't need any luck.

Steve J. said...

Do you think the Strassburg sock can help treat/improve achilles pain or is it more of just to help prevent this from developing. I ask b/c I've dealt with tendinitis in my right achilles for a couple of years now. And I wonder if this might help it a bit.

KLIM said...

I think it helps combat the pain. It worked for me and I only used it a couple of times. Wear it lose though.

It might be best to borrow one from a friend (in lieu of spending $30-40) to see if it works for YOU.

Either way, I would definitely try wearing it at night Steve.