Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Can't Think of a Title

One of the great things about searching for "fox" photos on Google and Yahoo! is that I get to glean through a plethora of images of Megan Fox...a true vixen!

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I can comfortably state that my left leg issue seems to be getting better and better. I think this "half injury" is behind me. I think...

On Friday morning I ran again with Mr. Karl Dusen. And again, I was tired. My body seems to be adjusting to the morning routine slower than normal. I also seem to be hungry now for dinner while I am still at work. I am not sure if this is a result of training in the morning or the time change? Just an interesting observation...

On Saturday I ran from the GRC Store with about a dozen guys (and gals) then discussed all things GRC at a post-run meeting. We seem to be picking up some more people (hopefully).

On Sunday I ran with this guy Dave Burnham, a fellow Baystater and later a harrier for Dartmouth. I showed up to the run in a rough shape after hosting a dance party the night before. I was quite surprised I was actually able to run. I did cut my supposed long run short and ran only 10 miles. Pathetic, but necessary.
61 miles last week. Next week I should be back to 70.

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