I met Dirk, Bain and the other Jake for a workout today. I planned to run only part/half of the workout in lieu of the mile on Friday. During the warm-up, Dirk was trying to convince me to forgo the intended workout and opt for 200m strides instead. He had a point. I went back and forth in my head about what to do. If the workout costs me a couple seconds in the mile race, is that acceptable? I am not really training for the mile, so I guess it is? But, I do want to run a really good mile, so shouldn't I take it easy? Should I keep my eye on the prize (Philly Distance Run in September) or deviate off course? A giant debate waged in my head. The cranium congress finally recessed and I decided to run only 2 x 1k and then follow up with 200m strides at goal mile pace. I ran the 1000s in 3:00 and felt good. The gang continued to cut down on the reps while I moved on to 200s. 13 today between morning and evening runs.
Next week, I will be back on the bandwagon.
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