I had a brutal day at work on Monday. Something I had shored up since March fell apart in a day, then I had to start from scratch. THEN our internet died and I had to go back home and work from there. I spent the next 7 hours on the phone before going out and running 10 miles hard. Chuck Moeser says that 10 miles hard is a great workout for a miler or for a marathoner...and I tend to agree. I showered then went back to work.
I woke up and ran 5 miles easy and then ran another 9 tonight. This was my first double since March 18. I joined the GRC crew at Chevy Chase for my pm run and kept the pace pretty slow. I felt great on all three runs which means that tomorrow I will likely feel like poop. Maybe not, we'll see. Though it just seems to happen this way.
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