Friday, October 31, 2008


I am feeling VERY strong and spry on all my runs. I have some fight, but I hold back. I don't roll my eyes at the thought of running each day. I am NOT in pain; I am enjoying it. My pace is just a tad quick but not too tough leaving me a feeling of accomplishment at the end of every run while leaving my legs free of fatigue. My hip area is "okay".

Tuesday was the worse day running so far this week. Perhaps because I took Monday off? Since Tuesday I have felt fine. I was going to take today off but decided to run anyways. Easy running in lieu of a day off is better I think...only I don't do easy well. Tomorrow's group run should be a change of pace...literally. Slow running does me good. I also plan to check out the yoga demo post-run. After the Army Ten Miler, the masseuse who worked me quipped I was much worse than anyone else she had seen that day. My tightness started up at my shoulders rather than my lower back. This is very much my fault. I don't do nearly the amount of stretching/body work I should...maybe yoga will fill that void? My upper leg and lower back are tight...I need to work these kinks.

My "injury" is much better than it was a month ago and I am still getting in a moderate amount of at least I am maintaining my fitness. I am winning the war.

UPDATE: No sign of the otters...

Meanwhile...on a more festive front...

These scenes from American Werewolf in London have always raised the hair on my neck. Not to be confused with the very lame American Werewolf in Paris directed in the late '90s, this film from 1981 (John Landis) combines over the top violence and horror with a great score. There is just a small touch of comedy. Each video is only a minute or two. If you only have time for one, watch the second.

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